IG Living Blog

Dedicated to bringing comprehensive healthcare information, immune globulin information, community lifestyle and reimbursement news.

Posted on 12. May 2011

Follow the Profit

Physician-owned medical facilities are often criticized as an unethical way to raise profits and increase the cost of healthcare. Critics from public-owned facilities, government and insurance companies, cry foul saying physician-owned facilities are motivated by profit and, as a result, use their facilities to cherry pick the well-funded patients. [More]
Categories: Need to Know
Posted on 5. May 2011

Confiscate Your Moments

Patients living with an immune globulin (IG)-treated illness often have difficulty finding pleasure in small moments. Life always seems to be consumed by doctors’ visits, infusions, arguments with the insurance company over reimbursement, finding the right treatments, and dealing with family and friends who just don’t seem to understand. [More]
Posted on 28. April 2011

The Power of Perseverance

Recently on Facebook, we asked our fans to finish the following statement: “Even though I have a chronic disease, I can still…” I was so impressed by the comments that followed. [More]
Posted on 21. April 2011

An Ode to Chronic Illness

A Poem By Kerri Sweeris
"O illness of mine which has torn me asunder,
I hate you as much as the weather I’m under.
You rob me of joy and of life and of breath.
And of you, chronic illness, I am sick to death!..." [More]
Posted on 14. April 2011

Disease Envy

There are an estimated 1.5 million people in the U.S. with lupus. Thousands of walkers participate in nearly 70 cities across the nation to raise funds annually. In my state, there are more than 18 lupus support groups. A smaller number, 360,000 people in the U.S., are estimated to have brain tumors. [More]
Categories: Life With IG
Posted on 7. April 2011

First Annual IG Living Essay Contest

Attention IG Living readers: This is your chance to get published in your favorite magazine by enter [More]
Categories: Life With IG
Posted on 1. April 2011

Wasteful Healthcare Regulations

Wasteful spending is probably one of the biggest undisputed causes of increased healthcare costs. How best to control those costs without compromising patient care, however, is disputed quite vehemently by several invested parties. [More]
Posted on 25. March 2011

Knock Knock

By Carla Schick

When was the last time you laughed? Not just “ha ha,” but a real “it’s-so-funny-I’m [More]