IG Living Blog

Dedicated to bringing comprehensive healthcare information, immune globulin information, community lifestyle and reimbursement news.

Posted on 22. December 2011

'Twas The Night Before IG Day

By Kris McFalls
’Twas the night before IG Day, when all through the house, Not a creature was sleeping... [More]
Posted on 15. December 2011

Rising Above the Negativity

Limitations are often self imposed. Sometimes others have low expectations of us as well. How can we rise above the limits we perceive to achieve our personal best? [More]
Posted on 8. December 2011

Should Physicians Pay Patients for Waiting?

Has a doctor ever kept you waiting? And waiting? What would it be like to turn the tables and bill the doc for your wasted time? A physician weights in on this touch subject. [More]
Posted on 1. December 2011

A Message to My Younger Self

Hindsight really is 20/20. If you could, what advice would you give to the “younger you?” Are their some hard-won lessons you can pass on now to the younger people in your life? [More]
Posted on 23. November 2011

Overindulge on Gratitude

Thanksgiving can seem like a day to simply overindulge. But for many, it’s a time to overindulge on gratitude and count our blessings. And maybe have one more piece of pie! [More]
Posted on 17. November 2011

10 Things to Say to a Sick Friend

Oftentimes people are told what not to say to a chronically ill friend. Here's a sample of suggestions from the Twitter community for what to say – pass it on! [More]
Posted on 10. November 2011

A Veterans' Day Tribute to Those Who Have Helped Us in Our Battle with Immune Disease

When you think about it, it’s easy to equate military operations with the battle our immune systems face when confronted with chronic disease. Today we honor all of our “veterans.” [More]
Posted on 3. November 2011

Medical Short Hand

Patients also need to clearly enunciate when using an acronym. Sometimes patients with certain diseases might prefer to spell out the entire name of their disease, simply because the acronym may cause a stigma they would rather not face. [More]
Categories: Life With IG