IG Living Advocate Podcast

Every quarter, IG Living will hold a podcast on a topic that affects those with autoimmune and immunodeficiency disorders. Industry experts will share the latest immune globulin (IG) news and information and answer questions from our community.

Podcasts will cover topics such as the increased demand for IG products, Medicare, IG side effects, and reimbursement. more info

Listen to the episode A Patient's Story: See the Difference Maintaining Steady Ig Levels Can Make in PI.

To receive notifications about upcoming podcasts, subscribe to IG Living Magazine. subscribe now

Picture of Ilana Jaqueline


Let's Talk! – Maureen E. Basye, MS

After numerous diagnoses of celiac disease within her immediate family, Maureen Basye understood the travel industry limitations for patients living with severe dietary restrictions. As she reflected on how much she and her family enjoyed cruise ship vacations, in a flash of inspiration, she made the career transition from speech pathologist to celiac travel consultant. Today, as the founder of industry-changing Celiac Cruise, Maureen shares her passion for helping others enjoy safe, carefree adventures while making memories that last a lifetime… full article (pdf)

Product Guide: Gear for Parenting Medically Complex Kids

Product Guide

Gear for Parenting Medically Complex Kids

Raising kids is hard. Raising medically complex kids is harder. Activities of daily life that are usually straightforward such as introducing solid foods, playing on the floor or even sending them to school become far more challenging the moment these kids receive a diagnosis. Whether it's a primary immune deficiency, neurological disorder, cancer or any number of rare diseases that require constant care at home, children with special health needs aren't one-size-fits-all, and as such, the gear they need isn't that way either. Knowing what you need and where to start looking can be daunting!… full article (pdf)

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Ask the Experts

Reader: Has the Deadline Been Extended for the IVIG Demonstration Project, and What Are The Eligibility Requirements?

Abbie: The Medicare Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) Demonstration Project was started to assess the benefits of providing payment for items and services necessary for in-home administration of IVIG to treat primary immune deficiency diseases (PI). The project began in October 2014, was extended twice by Congress and was set to end on Dec. 31, 2023. However, as of Jan. 1, 2024, the services and supplies necessary for in-home administration of IVIG became a permanent Medicare benefit for patients with PI. This change means patients can continue to receive their IVIG treatments at home without the need to enroll in the now-concluded demonstration project. The permanent benefit includes coverage for the IVIG medication, supplies and nursing services required for home administration… full article (pdf)

Meet the Staff

Rachel Maier, MS
Associate Editor

Abbie Cornett
Patient Advocate

Advisory Board

Bob Geng, MD, MA
Assistant Professor, Division of Allergy & Immunology
University of California, San Diego

Terry O. Harville,

Medical Director Special Immunology Laboratory University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Todd Levine, MD
Director, Department of Neurophysiology Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoenix
Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology University of Arizona

Fred Modell
Co-founder of the Jeffrey Modell Foundation

Marc Riedl, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology University of California, San Diego