IG Living Blog

Dedicated to bringing comprehensive healthcare information, immune globulin information, community lifestyle and reimbursement news.

Posted on 19. November 2010

IGL Fan Spotlight - Charlene M. Woodley

Charlene was diagnosed with common variable immune deficiency (CVID) in 2008. She has been a loyal IG Living reader and an active poster to our Facebook page. Here, she shares some thoughts on life, hope and perseverance. [More]
Categories: Fan Spotlight
Posted on 12. November 2010

Actions Versus Intentions

By Tammie Allegro

Recently, my youngest daughter got a pretty bad cough and cold. She was really bu [More]
Posted on 5. November 2010

Understanding What You Want: Getting What You Need

Patients with a chronic disease rightfully place a high value on relationships. Although we seek out love and support about our diseases from family and friends, that support is sometimes the most elusive, unmet need for us. [More]
Categories: Life With IG
Posted on 29. October 2010

Overcoming Adversity: Learning by Example

Mahatma Gandhi, the famous 20th century Indian civil rights leader, said: “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” [More]
Posted on 19. October 2010

My Jack-In-the-Box

When you’re sick or just feeling low, who makes you laugh? Who makes you chuckle like a child? Pets are often a wonderful source of laughter. Charles M. Schulz, famed Peanuts comic strip cartoonist, once said that “Happiness is a warm puppy.” [More]
Posted on 15. October 2010

IGL Fan Spotlight - Cheryl Fournier

Our first Facebook Fan Spotlight is IG Living! reader Cheryl Fournier, who inspired all of us with t [More]
Posted on 8. October 2010

It Must be My Fault

Instantly, the thoughts in my head ran full speed ahead, full of accusations and blame. Did I drink too much soda while I was pregnant? Was I exposed to lead paint? I didn’t eat enough veggies. Maybe I just didn’t make her eat enough veggies. [More]
Posted on 1. October 2010

Friend or Faux

Beyond food, clothing and shelter, arguably the most basic human need is friendship. As humans, we need a true friend to share our hopes, dreams and sorrows with. But, for those with a chronic illness, a true friend is essential for positive health outcomes. [More]
Categories: Life With IG