
Manufacturer Update
We have been closely monitoring the dynamic situation surrounding the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). First and foremost, we want to assure you that we are in constant communication with all our manufacturing partners. As of today, their delivery schedules have not been affected and we will continue with business as usual. If there are any changes, we will contact you immediately.
We appreciate your partnership with us and will continue to do our very best to meet your expectations.
If you have any questions, please contact Wow! Customer Care at (800) 843-7477 or ask for your FFF Sales Representative.

Immune Globulin (IG) Shortage 2019
The Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) has received a research grant to study the use of seasonal flu, chickenpox and shingles vaccines in the primary immunodeficiency (PI) community. The study will be conducted via a survey that will determine the frequency of chickenpox, shingles and seasonal flu infections among individuals with PI. Data collected will provide information about whether immune globulin therapy may modify the clinical occurrence and severity of signs and symptoms of seasonal flu and shingles for PI patients to help immunologists create guidelines and best practices for these vaccines... read more

PI Community Is Invited to Participate in Immune Deficiency Foundation’s 2017 Flu, Chickenpox and Shingles Survey
The Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) has received a research grant to study the use of seasonal flu, chickenpox and shingles vaccines in the primary immunodeficiency (PI) community. The study will be conducted via a survey that will determine the frequency of chickenpox, shingles and seasonal flu infections among individuals with PI. Data collected will provide information about whether immune globulin therapy may modify the clinical occurrence and severity of signs and symptoms of seasonal flu and shingles for PI patients to help immunologists create guidelines and best practices for these vaccines... read more

Shire Launches #PIPostsThanks to Raise
Awareness About PI
Shire, manufacturer of immune globulin for the treatment of primary immunodeficiency (PI), has launched a social campaign, #PIPostsThanks, to spotlight the unsung heroes who make a difference in the lives of people living with PI. The #PIPostsThanks campaign kicked off April 22 through 29 during the seventh World PI Week to bring the PI community together to share personal journeys and highlight the efforts of those who help ease the burden of living with PI... read more

2nd Annual Stiff Person Syndrome Symposium
Scheduled for May 21
The 2nd Annual Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) Symposium will be held Sunday, May 21, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Conn. Organized by Duarte Machado, MD, who is board certified in neurology with subspecialty training in movement disorders, the event’s theme is “Beyond Suffering.”... read more

11th Annual Neuropathy Action
Awareness Day Is June 23
The 11th Annual Neuropathy Action Awareness Day will be held Friday, June 23, at the InterContinental Hotel in Los Angeles. This largest neuropathy awareness and education event in the U.S. provides an opportunity for patients to interact with other patients, providers and exhibitors, as well as to learn about neuropathy and how to cope with the disease, policy issues and patient advocacy. The day begins with an exhibit area and educational sessions in the morning, followed by... read more

MMN Quality-of-Life Patient Survey Is Available
The Neuropathy Action Foundation (NAF) has released the results of its first international multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) quality-of-life patient survey. Of the 214 patients who completed the survey, 71.15 percent are from the U.S., 6.73 percent are from the United Kingdom and the remainder are from 22 other countries. Key findings from the survey include... read more

FDA Approves CUVITRU, Shire’s New SCIG 20% to Treat PI
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Shire’s CUVITRU (immune globulin subcutaneous [human] 20% solution) to treat adult and pediatric patients 2 years and older with primary immunodeficiency disease (PI). CUVITRU is the only 20% subcutaneous IG (SCIG) treatment option without proline and with the ability to infuse up to 60 mL (12 grams) per site and 60 mL per hour, per site, as tolerated, resulting in fewer infusion sites and shorter infusion durations compared with other conventional SCIG treatments... read more

Webinar Series Launched for Young Adults Living with Primary Immunodeficiences
PI Voices is a new young adult webinar series developed by the Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) to address the unique needs of young adults living with primary immunodeficiency disease (PI). The series consists of five live webinars covering topics from career management, medical care prioritization, insurance transitions, family planning and health/social life balance. Each offers participants an opportunity to ask questions of panel experts and connect with other audience members who may share their experience of living with PI. The schedule is... read more

IDF Webinar to Focus on Body Temperature and Fever Response
The Immune Deficiency Foundation is hosting its second PI CONNECT Research Forum Webinar focusing on body temperature and fever response. Guest presenters Philip A. Mackowiak, MD, emeritus professor of medicine, and Jeff Hasday, MD, PhD, professor of pathology, biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, will explain these occurrences and provide attendees with valuable knowledge they can use to improve their visits with medical providers... read more

New Children’s Book on PANDAS Symptoms and Treatment
A new picture book explaining PANDAS symptoms and treatment written by Melanie Weiss, RN, is sure to be a sweet, compassionate and thoughtful read for both parents and children...
For a sneak peek and to buy the book, visit

CIS/USIDNET Launch PI Webinar Series
The Clinical Immunology Society (CIS) and the U.S. Immunodeficiency Network (USIDNET) are introducing a new webinar series for clinicians that will emphasize discussion of interesting immune deficiency cases. Hosted by the CIS PID Summer School faculty and graduates, the inaugural webinar is scheduled for March 31 at 8 p.m. Eastern time, and includes an “Overview of Recent Literature” by Joyce Yu, MD, and Kate Sullivan, MD, “Mystery Infection in XHIGM” by Otavio Marques, MSc, and Juliana Lessa Mazzucchelli, MD, and “What’s Up with Too Many Lymphocytes?” By Kiran Patel, MD.
Registration closed

IG Living Wins National Health Information Award
IG Living has won recognition in the National Health Information Awards competition that honors the nation’s best consumer health programs and materials. The IG Living Aug-Sep issue received the Merit Award in the Patient Education Information class/Magazine category.
To view all the winners, click here. IG Living is listed on page 16. Click on the link to read the IG Living Aug-Sep issue.

IG Living! Magazine Celebrates Eight Years of Advocacy, Education and Inspiration
IG Living! Magazine, the only publication dedicated to patients who are treated with immune globulin (IG) products and their care providers, celebrates its eight year anniversary with the February-March 2014 issue. The recipient of numerous awards, IG Living has long been a definitive source of information and inspiration to those in the IG community. read more